Working together with IcFEM- Week Two
Monday 13th August we started with measuring the patients. Alex and Leonard showed us how to do the measurements, they made it very clear. The reason why we did the measurements is because it allowed us to make ortheses during the rest of the week for those patients. To do this properly we needed to get electricity in the workplace. Wednesday the generator arrived in the workplace. We only needed wires and oil before we could start with working with the generator. On Thursday the generator was working. Thursday morning we checked all tools that we brought with us, and they were all working. In the afternoon we had to mould plastic around a plaster mould for the orthese. This was not really working because we could not heat the whole part of the plastic at one time. So we had to think how we could do it in another way. Friday morning we started with making a raster from heavy steel. We had to cut steel in different lengths, after that we
welded it together in a raster shape. After that we brought a thin plate of steel on top of the raster. This is because the plastic must not fall through the raster when we heat it. We hope that when we hold the raster above a fire with the plastic on top of it, and that we can heat the plastic in one time, so that we can shape it around the plasterwork. During this week, when we didn’t had much to do, we were thinking about the hand bike project. We have also already bought two cycles to use for the hand bikes. Monday 20th August we are going on field research to look for other disabled people and to measure some more patients. The field research will take the whole week.
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